Fairy Diary: December 2006

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Our Family is One Member less

اللهم اغفر له وارحمه وعافه واعف عنه وأكرم نُزُله . ووسع مُدخلهُ . واغسله بالماء والثلج والبرد ، ونقه من الخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس ، وأبدله داراً خيراً من داره ، وأهلاً خيراً من أهله وزوجاً خيراً من زوجه وأدخله الجنة وأعذه من عذاب القبر ( ومن عذاب النار )

اللهم اغفر لحينا وميتنا ، وشاهدنا وغائبنا ، وصغيرنا وكبيرنا ، وذكرنا وأُنثانا ، اللهم من أحييته منا فأحييه على الإسلام ، ومن توفيته منا فتوفه على الإيمان ، اللهم لاتحرمنا أجره ولاتضلنا بعده


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Friday, December 08, 2006

Can't Wait For The Next Weekend, Seriously!

Today is the last day of the Week.
Tomorrow a new Week will Start, The Week were i Will Be able to say:

THIS WEEKEND You Will Come Back !

Can't Wait till you come back, My Couch is waiting for you, The palms beach, starbucks, the secret place we used to walk in, and all the fun and good times , just were you left them last year.


enshalla terje3en bel salama

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Yoga and Money in KUWAIT.

Yoga in Kuwait

I want to attend beginners YOGA classes, i want some place not very far (like salmeya - bede3)
i prefer a place where i can just pay for the yoga classes as i attend them, not like i must be a member in that gym or whatever place.



Since i spend a lot of time with the internet , isn't there a way that i got to do something and get paid for it? with no commitments.


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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Week End

Wednesday Night:

Hot Soup, Lights off, Scented oil on the burner
Watching SAW 1

Thursday Noon:

Going to SPA TIME ..
You know the rest.


The massage was Great, i Recommend all the girls to try SPA TIME where you are treated like a queen. and Guys Try the Spa Men and tell me about it , is it good as the girls part?

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Who Knew?

That Private Work Could be AS boring AS Government work,, but with More.. no not salary ..
More working Hours.

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Friday, December 01, 2006

Not a Post

off mashala there is lot of blogger.. lot of posts to read ..and comment... being away from the net and blogs for few days makes you feel that you missed alot .. and it's difficult to catch what you've missed!

adding my favorite blogs put a pressure on me.. i know i added few blogs.. i read alot of blogs other than these..but don't have enough time, nor memory - in my head - to add them all.. and seeing my name on other blog makes me happy and embarrassed i didn't add this blogger.

hmm what else? i still feel like a stupid child in this world of blogging.

on the other side:
Feeh Kwaity ?

Why We Like Small Furry Cute Little Things?

i'm tending to forget alot these days :S i forgot to buy me 7aleeb kakaw for my bedtime :(

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About me

  • I'm Dawn Fairy
  • From Kuwait, Kuwait
  • A young Kuwaity girl, who needed her secret space to publish her thoughts and opinions without being judged by others or traditions. No one in real life knows me here in my blog, and no one in this virtual world Called my blog knows me in real life,,
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My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

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