I want to be the sun that wakes you up, i want to be the moon you gaze at night.
let me be your sea and ocean, sometimes quite and some times stormy, let me be the river that flows in your streams.
I dont want to be a gray dot in this colorful sheet,i want to be ....
your all.
Just before i arrived home i got this msg from my voice call. HE called me.. i had some of my calls convertred (thank you sonyericsson).
I didnt want to talk to him, i just wana forget about him, and he deserves no explination for that cuz he - sorry for that - wasn't man enough to take resposibility of his actions. so what's the explination for then ?
Any way im through, i might thought it was love but it wasn't, it was just that i found all what i ever dream in a guy in HIM, lacking one big important thing.. Commitment.
Any way i'm not getting any younger or less wiser, i decided not to go in a realationship that won't have any future.
Now tell me, How's your saturday ?
Though i've been told that my smile is like hers
Any way for a silly reason -we girls- feel good about ourselves when people mention some resemblanse between our selves and some celebrity :)
===============================================I cry for the two things that i can't get.I sob when i see the face of my love ... and when i hear the voice of my friend.I cry alone in the dark because i can't show them my tears.How can i explain how much I love some one i'm forbid to love ... and how bad i miss my oldest yet farest friend.Why can't i grab and hug some one i see and hear?That's Why I Cry========================================